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Snow Event: Thursday 11/21/2024

Event Forecast Timeline

The heaviest snow is predicted to fall through 9 pm, with lighter snow continuting through Friday morning.

Forecast Impact

Forecasts are all over the place--some are calling for up to 3 inches, others calling for up to 10 inches. Temperatures will also be warming up to 36-38 degrees in the early hours of Friday morning. It's unclear how much snow will fall and how much will accumulate.

Landscaping by Mark & Sons’ Response Plan

Dispatch Time: 11:30 pm
At this time, with the forecasts varying so heavily, we are unsure of what will happen, but we are consistantly monitoring and ready to go if necessary.

Live updates will appear below.

11:30 pm
All plows have been dispatched. Driveways with 1.25" or less will be skipped to prevent damage to the driveway and our equipment. The snow seems to be melting a bit and temperatures are expected to continue climbing. The heaviest snow fall should be finished by now.
3:30 am
All routes are complete.