Snow Event: Saturday 01/04/2025 – Sunday 01/05/2025
Event Forecast Timeline
A couple of snow showers and flurries are expected to continue through the night.
Forecast Impact
We don't expect much snow to fall, but we may see up to 0.5 inches.
Landscaping by Mark & Sons’ Response Plan
Dispatch Time: 12:00 am
We measured the snow Saturday morning at 1:30 am and again 8:00 am, most recently seeing about 0.75 inches of snow in driveways. Even if it does snow 0.5 inches, we'll still be under the 2" trigger so we do not anticiapte dispatching plows today. However, on Friday we had more snow fall than what was predicted, so we'll be monitoring today just in case. As a reminder, we are looking for an average of 2" accross an entire driveway, not just in the drifts. Watch out of ice!
Live updates will appear below.
7:30 pm
We're seeing about 0.5 to about 2 inches within our service area. There is a Lake Effect Snow Warning in effect until 1:00 am so we will be waiting to dispatch plows until around midnight. Driveways with under 1.25 inches will be skipped. Live updates will be posted below!
5:00 am
All routes are complete.