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Snow Event: Monday pm 01/24/2022-Wedneday 01/26/2022

snow forecast


Event Forecast Timeline

We had flurries this morning with very little accumulation.  However, starting very soon it is expected to snow for the next 48 hours.  We will be treating this as one snow event so please check here for any updates.

Forecast Impact

Total anticipated snow accumulations 5 inches.

Landscaping by Mark & Sons’ Response Plan

We are currently anticipating a 2″ trigger event to occur between 6pm & 2am.  Based on current estimates (timing & amount), we have decided to start our route at 10:30pm tonight. We will post updates here if anything changes and also the timing of the second dispatch.  Currently, we do anticipate dispatching more than once over the next 48 hours.

Stay tuned for updates & Have a Great Night!

Live updates will appear below.

Update Tuesday 1:45am:  Our drivers are finding barely 2″ in most driveways across our service area and it has not been snowing while they’ve been out as previously expected.  They will be plowing all driveways with over approximately 1-1.5″ when they arrive.

Update Tuesday 5:15am:  Our routes are complete and we only received a few flurries overnight so no new accumulation.  The current forecast is showing that we will not reach 2″ of additional snow until tomorrow morning at 7am.  We will keep an eye on the weather and if anything changes, we will update here.  As of now, we anticipate dispatching tomorrow during the day.

Update Tuesday 6:00pm: With no additional snow today and less than an inch expected overnight, we do not anticipate plowing again for this event.  If anything changes we will update here.