Now Booking Fall Clean-ups
Your Lawn Needs to Breath!
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Your lawn doesn’t need to stay warm in the winter, make sure to remove nature’s blanket of leaves from your grass!
Leaving leaves on your lawn can cause expensive damage. It’s much less costly to maintain your lawn than it is to fix it.
A thick layer of leaves:
- Invites pests, disease, snow mold, and brown patch
- Blocks healthy air flow, nutrients, and oxygen from reaching grass roots
- If matted down, can prevent spring growth
Here in Northeast Ohio, the majority of the grass is cool season grass which revitalize in the fall. Leaves block the sunlight required for them to strengthen their root system.
Either remove them, or if not too thick, mulch them with your mower. You don’t have to worry about picking up every last leaf, just don’t leave a blanket of them!
Too busy, too many leaves, don’t like raking?
We can Help!
We offer a package of 2 clean-ups in November approximately 2 weeks apart to ensure as many leaves as possible are removed before winter arrives.
Weather permitting a 3rd one can be added for the beginning of December
Request a Quote Today!