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Storm Event 5: Monday, February 1, 2021


Event Forecast Timeline

Although it’s been snowing off and on and we were expecting more by now, the snow hasn’t accumulated much.

Forecast Impact

Currently it appears that we may reach our 2″ trigger Monday mid-afternoon.  We are only expected to receive a total of 3″ by 2am on Tuesday.

Landscaping by Mark & Sons’ Response Plan

To clear as much of the expected 3″ of snow, we will most likely, dispatch after it is finished around 2am Tuesday.  If the snow goes as expected, we’ll only be out once for this event. Open your gates.

We will closely monitor accumulation and if things change (we are in Cleveland), we will adjust dispatch as necessary.

Stay tuned for updates & Have a Great Day!

Live updates will appear below.

UPDATE:  Monday 1:00pm  We still haven’t reached the 2″ dispatch trigger and doesn’t look like we will this afternoon so we are still on target for dispatching later tonight.

UPDATE: Tuesday 2/2/21 5:30am – well that was a long interesting  event.  It seemed to snow for days but the accumulation was very slow with various depths in close areas, but it’s over now. According to the forecast, we may see you again Friday or Saturday.  Enjoy your week!